Are German Shepherds Good With Kids – A Parent’s Guide

German Shepherd Dogs are one of the most popular dog breeds in the world. With their intelligent, loyal, and courageous nature, it’s no wonder they are such a great choice to have as a family pet. But are German Shepherds good with kids? This is a question on the minds of many parents who may be thinking about getting a German Shepherd Dog.

Whilst the short answer is yes, most German Shepherd Dogs are good with kids like any other dog breed, German Shepherds may not be ideal for every parent or child. You also need to bear in mind that not all German Shepherd Dogs are suitable as family pets either.

This article compares the pros and cons of owning a German Shepherd as a pet if you have kids. It also provides some helpful guidance on how to find a suitable German Shepherd Dog that will fit in with your family.

So if you’re thinking about getting a German shepherd, this guide will help you evaluate whether your family is ready for this responsibility.  After all, owning any dog comes with responsibilities!

Understand The Needs Of A German Shepherd  


The best German Shepherd family pets are happy and healthy dogs that have all of their needs taken care of.

If you have never owned a German Shepherd before then you must take some time to learn about the breed before rushing out to buy one. You cannot possibly be in a position to know if they are going to be a suitable dog for your family unless you understand their needs and are comfortable knowing that you are able to properly provide for them.

They are big high energy dogs who can be quite boisterous at times especially when they are young. They are also very intelligent so in addition to physical exercise, they will require a considerable amount of mental stimulation to keep them entertained.

A bored German Shepherd can be very vocal and destructive so this means they are going to need quite a bit of your time which can be quite challenging when also caring for a young family.

Other factors you may want to consider are that they shed a lot so they will require regular grooming. A good vacuum is going to be an essential requirement too as dog hair will most definitely be something you have to deal with on a daily basis.

Being big dogs they can also cost quite a bit to feed so you will need to make sure they fit into your budget.

If all these things are no problem to you then a German Shepherd could well be perfect for you and your family.

German Shepherd Temperament With Kids

German Shepherds tend to be very friendly and family-oriented. They love spending time with the whole family, going on walks, and getting affection. They have a natural instinct to protect those closest to them and generally bond well with kids in a family unit. A well-trained German Shepherd can make an excellent second pair of watchful eyes on your children too.

Being intelligent, lively dogs they love to be challenged with tasks so will be a great playmate for the kids. They’re also very adaptable and will quickly understand the kids’ body language and moods.

Kids also tend to love the affection and love that a German shepherd gives them, which usually means most family dogs are spoiled rotten.

However, it is important that, as a parent, you are around to keep an eye on the interactions between your child and the dog. As outlined above they are big dogs that can be quite boisterous at times and kids being kids can also be a bit rough too.

Should I Get A Puppy Or An Adult German Shepherd With Kids

If you’re thinking about getting a German shepherd as a family pet, it’s important to consider several factors before bringing home a German Shepherd puppy.

One of the factors that you should consider when bringing a German shepherd into your family is the age of the dog.

German shepherds can be brought home as puppies or as fully grown Adult dogs. There are advantages and disadvantages to both so it is really going to boil down to what fits in best with your personal circumstances.

Advantages Of Getting A German Shepherd Puppy


One of the advantages to getting a German Shepherd puppy rather than an adult German Shepherd Dog is that you know the dog’s history. You will have had the opportunity to meet its parents, siblings and breeder which are good ways of getting an idea of how your puppy’s temperament will turn out.

Other advantages are that you can also socialize your dog from an early stage with things that are specific to your family life. It is much easier to socialize a puppy to new life experiences than it is to reassure an older dog who has already had a chance to make its own mind up about what it likes and doesn’t.

Puppies are also smaller and less intimidating to a small child on the first encounter and the child and puppy will grow up together. Not forgetting of course that puppies are just so super cute and fun to play with!

Disadvantages Of Getting A German Shepherd Puppy

Whilst getting a puppy seems to be the most popular choice for most families there are some disadvantages that you need to take into consideration.

The main one is that a German Shepherd puppy will take up a lot of your time. Not only do they need caring for it is extremely important that you spend a lot of time training your puppy. This will also need you to be very patient and persistent which is not that easy when you have a busy schedule already.

Another big thing to remember is that puppies tend to bite through curiosity and play and unfortunately they also have very sharp teeth that can hurt if they come into contact with human skin. This is something you need to be very aware of when you have young children as a young puppy will still be learning bite inhibition and simply won’t yet understand that biting human skin is not acceptable.


Bite inhibition is something they start to learn from their siblings through play. If they bite too hard their siblings squeal to let them know and the game stops. They eventually associate this with the fact that they used too much jaw pressure and don’t use as much next time as they don’t want the play to stop. When you bring them into your home they now need to learn that biting human skin is not acceptable in the world they now live.

It is now your job to continue bite inhibition training and the most effective way to do this is to use the same technique used by their siblings. Whenever your puppy bites you let out a loud squeal and stop playing immediately.

Never reprimand your puppy just reward the positive. They need to understand that if they don’t bite you then you will play with them. You can also offer an alternative chew toy diverting their excited attention onto something they are allowed and remember to praise them a lot when they do good.

As is the case with any training this is something that is going to take some time for your puppy to master.

Some German Shepherd puppies especially those from working bloodlines can also practice their natural herding instincts by rounding the kids up which can result in them nipping at their ankles. Again this can hurt and your puppy will need to learn that it is not acceptable behaviour. The key here is to train your puppy to channel this natural instinct into something else other than chasing the kids. Again is a very time-consuming task which will also require cooperation from the kids and a lot of patience.

Puppies will go through a teething stage where they are prone to chewing anything they find. This could be your shoes, mobile phone, the kid’s favourite toys etc. Fortunately, this is something that your puppy will grow out of once their adult teeth come in around 8 months old. Whilst it lasts however it will mean you need to invest in a lot of chew toys and develop a system of making sure nothing is left out that your puppy could get hold of.

You can learn more on how to stop a German Shepherd puppy from biting in this article.

German Shepherd puppies are also very inquisitive and can easily get into trouble if left unsupervised. It is advisable to crate train your puppy as soon as possible for the odd occasion when supervision can not be provided for example during the night.

If you decide to get a German Shepherd puppy then you will have to commit to giving them all the time, training and equipment they will need to give them the best start in life.

Get this right and you will have a loyal family friend for life.

Advantages To Getting An Adult German Shepherd


The main advantage in getting an adult German Shepherd is that you don’t need to wait for an adult dog to grow up, which takes around 2 years. Also depending on where you get your dog from and why it is looking for a new forever home many will be already trained too.

It will also be easier to assess whether they will be right for your family as their temperament will be clear and most places will also allow you to have a trial home run to see if you and the dog get along before you make any final commitment.

Another big advantage is that adult dogs are more independent than puppies, which makes them easier to integrate into a busy family. They will also have gone through the dreaded teething stage and are less likely to destroy your home like a puppy would.

Although a bored German Shepherd can be quite destructive even as an adult so you will need to bear in mind that they will still need things to occupy them.

Disadvantages To Getting An Adult German Shepherd

One of the main disadvantages of getting an adult German Shepherd is that you may not know its history. Unfortunately, they may have some bad habits that are quite hard to deal with. Also if they have been neglected in the past they may have developed some socialization issues or a lack of trust which will require some work. Another disadvantage is that a larger dog may be more intimidating to a small child on the first encounter.

Is It Safe To Have A German Shepherd With Kids

This is a valid concern if you have small kids at home. Any dog can potentially harm kids, and German Shepherds are no exception to this rule.

However, it is not a breed trait.

They are known for their loyalty, protective and caring natures which is why they are a popular choice for a family pet.

How To Choose The Right Dog For You and the Kids


It is important that you choose the right dog for your family. This is the case when getting any dog but German Shepherds can be quite demanding on your time. If you have never owned a German Shepherd before then it is important that you do some research into the breed and its needs as a dog first.

It is also very important that you only get a German Shepherd Shepherd from a reputable breeder or shelter. Unfortunately, there are far too many people willing to take your cash and sell you a puppy without a care in the world if it is likely to develop any genetic problems in the future. Don’t line the pockets of these people by ensuring you only buy from people that are trusted.

If you want to know more about how to make sure you buy the right puppy for your family then you may find this article helpful: 7 Simple Steps To Make Choosing a German Shepherd Puppy Easier

Other things to consider are that kids below 5 years of age cannot understand the difference between being gentle with a dog and being rough. They may therefore unintentionally cause the dog harm by pulling its hair, stepping on it, or accidentally hitting it when playing.

Whilst it is important to train your dog how to behave around the kids it is equally important to ensure your kids know how to treat your dog.

If you’re bringing home a German Shepherd for the first time and there are kids in the house make sure you supervise any encounters. Train your dog to be gentle around them and teach the kids how to care for the dog.

Pros Of Owning A German Shepherd With Kids

German shepherds are very loving and affectionate dogs. They love to be around you as a family and that includes the kids. They thrive on being loved and pampered and will often snuggle up to you for a cozy cuddle.

They are also very loyal and protective making them great long-term trusted companions.

They are easy to train because of their intelligence and eagerness to please their owners.

They respond well to positive reinforcement and can learn almost any task that you would like them to do. If a German Shepherd has bad manners it is usually because the owner has failed to teach them how to behave appropriately.

They are also very social dogs. A well-socialized German Shepherd will love to play with other people, dogs and animals they share their lives with.

Cons Of Owning A German Shepherd With Kids

German Shepherds shed a lot which means they need regular grooming and may be no good for kids with allergies.

They need a lot of exercise and will get bored easily if not provided with some mental stimulation too.

They are big dogs that are also very active so they require a lot of space to play and run around in.

They are very territorial and generally don’t like strangers visiting their family property so will alert you to their presence with a loud and persistent bark which can be annoying for some.

They are prone to some health issues, including hip dysplasia, elbow dysplasia, eye diseases, joint diseases, and allergies.

Being big dogs they are more expensive to feed than smaller breeds.

Final Thoughts on Are German Shepherds Good With Kids

Owning a German shepherd is a great experience. These dogs are incredibly intelligent, full of energy, and have a lot of love to give. They are also fantastic guard dogs and will alert you when they sense danger.

However, like any dog, they come with their own set of challenges. It’s important to ensure you’re prepared for bringing one of these dogs into your home. By considering each of the points in this guide, you can make an informed decision about whether or not a German shepherd is the right dog for you and your family.

Thank you for taking the time to read my post I hope it has been helpful to you. If you have any questions or would like to share any of your own experiences then please feel free to do so in the comments below.

About The Author

Jo - Founder at GSD Pets


Hello, fellow dog enthusiasts! I'm Jo, and I'm thrilled to be your guide in understanding the wonderful world of German Shepherds. Here's a bit about me:

Passion for Paws

I've been a dog lover since I can remember. From wagging tails to enthusiastic barks, dogs have always captured my heart.

Proud German Shepherd Parent

My journey with German Shepherds began when I welcomed my first one, Sasha, into my home. Their unique personalities and remarkable loyalty quickly won me over.

Training and Behaviour Enthusiast

Over the years, I've delved deep into dog training and behaviour. My mission is to help fellow dog owners foster strong bonds with their furry companions through positive training methods.

Sharing Insights

I've spent countless hours researching, learning, and applying techniques to better understand German Shepherd behaviour. My goal is to share my insights with you so you can enjoy a harmonious relationship with your four-legged friend.

As an avid advocate for responsible dog ownership, I believe in creating a safe, happy, and enriching environment for our beloved pets.

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