Do German Shepherds Shed A Lot?

So you want to know if German Shepherds shed a lot.  The short answer to this is yes they do.  They have even earned themselves the nickname “the German Shedder” due to the amount of hair they can shed.  

The next question you may ask is:-

How can I stop a German Shepherd from Shedding?

Well, there is a very simple answer to this too which is 

“you can’t”. 

So if you really don’t like dog hair at all then don’t get a German Shepherd.  

But … 

If you don’t mind dealing with dog hair then their shedding can be perfectly manageable and doesn’t have to be a nightmare to live with.  

So what does this actually mean for you as a German Shepherd owner?  

The first thing to understand is:-

Why Do German Shepherds Shed So Much?


As is the case with many dogs bred to work the fields in all types of weather they have what is called a double coat.  This consists of a top coat and an undercoat.

The top coat is what we feel when we stroke the dog.  Depending upon whether your dog is a long or short-haired German Shepherd the length of the coat hairs will vary but they are generally smooth and straight although some slight waviness is also ok.  

This is the coat that bears the dog’s colouring and acts as a water repellant shield to protect the undercoat and the dog’s skin from moisture, debris, and dirt.

The undercoat consists of much finer hairs that are fluffy with a downy like feel.  Except in the case of pure black German Shepherd Dogs this coat is usually lighter in colour often pale cream or grey.  

It protects the dog’s skin from parasites, and the elements whilst acting as an insulator keeping it warm in winter and cool in summer.  

Shedding occurs when your dog begins to malt its undercoat which occurs twice a year around climate change.  German Shepherds seem to shed a lot compared to other dogs mainly because they have very thick undercoats and they are also big dogs meaning that there is a lot of hair for them to get rid of.   

Do German Shepherds Shed All The Year?

Like all dogs German Shepherds lose some hair every day.  This can be a combination of top hair and undercoat however this is not technically shedding.  This hair loss is noticeable but not excessive.  

Shedding occurs twice a year and is very noticeable.  When your dog begins to shed its undercoat you may see clumps of fur sticking out through your dog’s top coat that simply falls off them.  They also tend to leave a significant amount of hair behind them wherever they have been laid and they may appear to be extremely itchy.

What Causes German Shepherds To Shed Excessively?

The shedding process sometimes referred to as the shedding season or blowing their coat occurs around climate changes brought about in spring and autumn.  

Changes in light as the days grow longer or shorter cause the German Shepherd Dog to produce a hormone which results in new hair growth. This new growth causes the old undercoat hairs to die and they begin to fall away from the dog’s skin to allow space for the new hairs to grow in their place. 

As the climate cools and the days get shorter the German Shepherd Dog will start to grow a thick undercoat that will keep it warm during the winter months.  As soon as the climate begins to warm up again and the days become longer this thick winter coat will be shed as a new lighter summer coat takes its place. 

Which Months Do German Shepherds Shed?


As a German Shepherd sheds its undercoat in response to climate change the months of the year that this occurs can vary depending on where the world you are.  In the UK and most of the western world, this will be around Spring time usually during March and April and Autumn time from late September to early November.  

How Long Is The Shedding Season For A German Shepherd?

The time of year a German Shepherd starts to shed its undercoat is commonly referred to as the shedding season.  The shedding season for a German Shepherd will occur twice a year when the weather begins to warm up or cool down and it can last for a few weeks at a time.  

How Long Do German Shepherds Shed For?

The majority of German Shepherds shed for a couple of weeks at a time but it also will vary depending upon how thick your dog’s coat was before they started to shed and how often they are brushed.  

How To Stop A German Shepherd From Shedding?

As stated above it is not possible to stop a German Shepherd from shedding you can however take steps to reduce its effects.  

Can German Shepherds Be Shaved?

The answer to this question is definitely not. No matter how annoying their shedding may be or how hot the weather may become you must never shave a German Shepherd.

The reason is that they need their thick coat to protect them from the elements all year round. That is from hot weather as well as cold.

Their undercoat acts as an insulator protecting the skin from wind rain and the sun’s rays. If you shave them they have no protection, they will be very cold in winter or burn in the sun during the summer. They will be at very high risk of developing skin cancer and have no protection from parasites.

Once their coat has been shaved it never grows back the same either so the damage caused through shaving can last a lifetime for your dog. Unfortunately, they will forever be at risk of problems that the lack of adequate undercoat protection can cause them.

Shedding is a natural process that needs to occur for your dog’s health.

So What Can I Do For My German Shepherd Shedding?


Feed an age and breed-appropriate healthy balanced diet that is rich in high-quality proteins and fatty acids.  Dietary deficiencies can cause the skin to become dry and flakey whilst a healthy diet will ensure the hair follicles are stronger and the skin more elastic which can affect the amount of shedding and dander.  

Also, provide your dog with plenty of fresh water as dehydration will cause dry skin and brittle fur which in turn affects the amount of hair a dog will lose.


Grooming is essential

Regular grooming can reduce the amount of shedding.  It is recommended that you groom a German Shepherd dog 2 to 3 times a week during normal times and increase this to at least once a day when they start to shed their undercoats.  

It is very easy to groom a German Shepherd Dog at home.  You will need to use a rake brush or a furminator for this as these types of brushes are able to get to the loose undercoat without damaging the dog’s top coat.  

Whilst some people do prefer to take their German Shepherd to the groomers due to the shedding process being gradual as new hair growth occurs you may still need to make several frequent visits during a shedding season.   

Frequently Asked Questions

Q: Do German Shepherd puppies shed?

A: German Shepherd puppies do not shed until they have grown their new adult coat which starts at about 4 to 6 months of age. They will then begin to shed their coats twice a year the same as adult German Shepherd Dogs. 

Q: Do short-haired German Shepherds shed?

A: Yes, short haired German Shepherds shed.  Although their coat is shorter than medium and long haired German Shepherds they still have a thick undercoat.  It is this undercoat that is actually shed during the shedding process. 

Q: Do German Shepherds shed more as they age?

A: German Shepherds don’t usually shed more as they age although some hormonal changes such as coming into heat have sometimes been known to affect it.   A dogs fur can also become more brittle as they age which can also cause them to lose more hair than normal. 

If you notice that your German Shepherd has started to shed more than usual especially if he or she is getting on in years then I would seek the advice of your vet to ensure that no medical issue is causing it.  Also, make sure they are fed a high quality diet to reduce any dry skin and brittle fur problems. 

Q: Do German Shepherds shed more in winter?

A: German Shepherds shed their summer coat at the start of winter and then shed their winter coat in spring ready for the summer.  The winter coat can be heavier and denser than the summer coat which means they are likely to shed more in the lead up to summer rather than in winter. 

Q: Are German Shepherds hypoallergenic?

A: The answer is no.  Unfortunately, German shepherds are not hypoallergenic.  They shed a lot and this shedded fur also contains dander which is usually the cause of most allergies.  

Final Thoughts On Do German Shepherds Shed A Lot?


Whilst it is true that German Shepherds do shed a lot it is possible to manage this by ensuring they are fed a good quality diet and groomed regularly.  You may also need to dust and vacuum more regularly but the rewards you get from being a German Shepherd owner and experiencing this loyal intelligent breed far outweighs any additional work their shedding may cause. 

Thank you for taking the time to read my post.  If you have any questions regarding German Shepherd shedding please feel free to ask them in the comments below I will be happy to help. 

About The Author

Jo - Founder at GSD Pets


Hello, fellow dog enthusiasts! I'm Jo, and I'm thrilled to be your guide in understanding the wonderful world of German Shepherds. Here's a bit about me:

Passion for Paws

I've been a dog lover since I can remember. From wagging tails to enthusiastic barks, dogs have always captured my heart.

Proud German Shepherd Parent

My journey with German Shepherds began when I welcomed my first one, Sasha, into my home. Their unique personalities and remarkable loyalty quickly won me over.

Training and Behaviour Enthusiast

Over the years, I've delved deep into dog training and behaviour. My mission is to help fellow dog owners foster strong bonds with their furry companions through positive training methods.

Sharing Insights

I've spent countless hours researching, learning, and applying techniques to better understand German Shepherd behaviour. My goal is to share my insights with you so you can enjoy a harmonious relationship with your four-legged friend.

As an avid advocate for responsible dog ownership, I believe in creating a safe, happy, and enriching environment for our beloved pets.

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