Hi and welcome to gsdpets.com! I am so glad you are here. GSD Pets is a website dedicated to the German Shepherd Dog and is full of resources created for their owners and owners to be.

I am Jo, the founder and voice behind gsdpets.com. I am also a passionate German Shepherd Dog owner having lived with and cared for the breed for over 20 years.
I want to give you a bit of background on who I am and what my story is.
They say things happen for a reason …
I still remember the day we picked up that little bundle of black and tan fluff as though it was yesterday. I was in a very dark place at the time having just lost my mum to cancer.
I really don’t know what made me look at puppy ads that day as we already had a dog, a horse and 2 cats so I was not in the market for any more pets.
But I did look and not only that I phoned the number on the ad too!
So did it happen for a reason? I think it must have because a couple of hours later we were traveling home with Sasha our first German Shepherd puppy.
Now I’m certainly not suggesting you go out and get a dog as a cure if you are suffering from any emotional upset but she was the tonic I needed at the time and I have no regrets at all. Her energy was a breath of fresh air for me and she marked a turning point in my life that I am truly grateful to her for.
That was over 20 years ago now and sadly Sasha is no longer with us although she gave us a wonderful 14.5 years. Thanks to Sasha I am now a passionate German Shepherd owner and cannot see myself without them now.
Along with Sasha we also had another amazing German Shepherd Dog named Ellie. Sadly Ellie is no longer with us either but pictured below are my 2 current dogs Bella and Cody.

They have taught me so much
My qualifications for creating this site are that of a long term German Shepherd owner. I have experienced good times, bad times and some very sad times too.
The unique stories I have experienced with each of my dogs are told throughout this site. It is their different personalities, and care needs that have given me the experience and the knowledge I can now share with you.
Without a doubt, German Shepherd Dogs make fantastic pets. They are the most loyal and loving companions you could ask for. They are super-intelligent and easy to train although they do have minds of their own too so can be quite stubborn at times.
My goal is to help you get the best experience from your German Shepherd dog.
To anyone considering getting a German Shepherd Dog as a pet then this site is for you. The information here has been written specifically for German Shepherd owners and wannabe owners by a German Shepherd owner. Everything here is information I have learned from my own research and first-hand experiences.
Hopefully, you will find some helpful tips on how to avoid the bad, deal with the sad and multiply the good.
I hope you enjoy my content but if you have any questions, feel free to leave them below and I will be more than happy to help you out.
All the best,
w. gsdpets.com